Inspect Your Trees For These Problems Regularly

It's a good idea to get into the habit of inspecting the trees in your yard regularly. Just as you should keep an eye on various exterior elements of your home, taking a careful look at your trees will allow you to catch any issues early on. You'll then be able to call a tree service in your city and have one or more tree care professionals assess the issue. Catching things early may limit the risk of further problems with the tree or additional issues that extend beyond the tree. Even though you're not a tree expert, here are some things to look for during your inspections.

Proliferation Of Insects

Although it's common to see a wide range of insects on your trees, you should be concerned if you notice that there's a heavy concentration of insects — especially if they all appear to be the same. Insects such as the emerald ash borer can pose a significant threat to ash trees. These small, green beetles may be difficult to see from afar, but if you look carefully at the bark, they'll be visible if they're present. You may also see signs of their presence, such as damaged bark. In either case, make sure to call a tree service right away for help.

Proximity To Power Lines

As the trees in your yard grow, they may begin to pose a threat to certain objects around them. If you have any trees that are close to power lines that run along the perimeter of your property or from a nearby pole to your home, keep an eye on this situation. Branches that make contact with the power lines may be problematic, especially if ignored. While you'll want to call your local tree service for advice, a company rep may advise you to call your local power company, which will then dispatch a crew to assess the situation and trim the tree accordingly.

Mold Or Mildew

Just as insects can pose a threat to your trees, so can a long list of molds and mildews. These can occur in wet climates and when the shade of your trees makes its branches perpetually damp. It's a good idea to call a tree service before these issues threaten the overall health of the tree. A tree crew may opt to trim some of the thicker branches back to allow more sunlight through, which can help to dry the trunk and keep the mold or mildew at bay.  
