Tips For Trimming Unusual Fruit Trees

Whether you collect unique plants or whether you have an unusual fruit tree left by a previous owner, the tree will need regular care to ensure it stays healthy and strong. Typically, any tree will need occasional pruning to remove problem branches (such as branches that are diseased or dead, or that rub against another branch). But some trees have special pruning considerations as well. 

Here are some tips for trimming your unusual fruit trees.

1. Persimmon trees

Like any fruit tree, you'll want your persimmon to have a strong, healthy branch structure. But pruning a persimmon tree can be especially important because if left unpruned, their branches may break when weighed down with fruit since the wood is so brittle. This type of tree does well when pruned into an open vase shape.

2. Fig trees

One consideration when pruning figs is that they're especially prone to infection when pruned during the growing season. So make sure to have these trees trimmed only when they're dormant, if possible. Don't skip pruning, though; pruning established fig trees regularly to shorten each branch slightly can help them concentrate their energy on the fruit they produce.

3. Medlar trees

A medlar tree does occasionally need pruning, especially to remove suckers or dead wood. However, you'll have to be careful not to prune it too often or heavily, especially in its early years; this could delay its fruit production. You also want to be careful to prune it at the right time of year (late winter, before it puts out new growth).

4. Jujubes

A jujube tree needs to be pruned regularly for best fruiting results. But you'll need to keep several considerations in mind: first, the tree has thorns, so be careful. Second, jujubes tend to send up a lot of suckers, and you'll need to have those removed to save the energy for the fruit. Third, some varieties of jujube tree tend to grow with a slight weeping shape. Talk to your tree trimming professional about the best pruning techniques to enhance this shape.

5. Quince trees

The best time to prune a quince tree is in late fall or winter; you don't want to prune them after they've started their spring growth, or you could remove the incipient flowers and reduce fruiting.

Quince trees sometimes have a tendency to grow branches pointing inward rather than outward. Removing these branches will help to avoid an overcrowded, unbalanced tree canopy.

These five types of fruit trees aren't as common as apple trees, but they all have their own value. So be sure to hire a professional for tree trimming each year to ensure your unique fruit tree stays in great shape.
