Are Your Residential Trees Dying? 3 Signs You Should Not Ignore

A landscape filled with beautiful flowering or fruiting trees is a dream for most homeowners. Trees add to your property's aesthetic appeal while providing shade from the sun. However, you must maintain these trees to keep them beautiful and healthy. Otherwise, neglected trees are prone to developing inappropriate growth patterns, getting attacked by diseases, or dying. Such trees are a safety hazard since their branches can break off anytime. That's why it is good to understand the early signs of a dying tree to hire tree removal experts on time.

So how do you identify a dying tree? Read on to find out. 

1. Fungus

One easy way to identify a dying tree is by checking for fungi growing on its trunk. Such fungal or bacterial infections will manifest as discolored areas or muted-colored spots around the bark. Sometimes, these fungi will have bright orange or yellow colors. Since fungi only develop on dead or decaying matter, seeing them on your tree means it is probably decaying from the inside. Though sometimes an expert arborist can remove the decaying branches before the problem spreads to the rest of the trees, other times removing the tree is the best solution. Therefore, it is advisable to call the expert to determine the best option.

2. Extensive Root Damage

Identifying tree root damage requires a keen eye since these roots run deep underground. However, if you recently had a project that required digging up your landscape, it is advisable to pay close attention to any changes in your tree's health. That's because such projects may disturb the roots and damage them. For instance, if your tree starts leaning, it may indicate that the roots are not firm enough to keep it upright. If the roots are weak or lack enough space to grow underground, you might notice heaving roots or epicormic shoots at the trunk's base.

3. Peeling Bark or Trunk Damage

A decaying tree with fungus attacks will likely also have a decaying trunk. Once the trunk starts decaying, vertical cracks will appear on it. Such cracks allow further damage to the tree, such as bark peeling. Though it is normal for a tree's bark to peel off, this bark should grow back after a short period to replace the old stuff. Therefore, if you notice large smooth spots on the tree without a bark covering, you need to hire tree removal services since it is likely dying.

Knowing when a tree is dying is important so you can call the tree removal experts on time. For instance, if the tree has serious root damage, a peeling bark, and fungal growth, it may no longer be healthy to keep on your property. The experts will use the right equipment and methods to eliminate the tree and protect your family and your home from injuries or damage. 

Reach out to a residential tree removal service to learn more.
