3 Things Not To Do When Trimming The Pine Trees In Your Yard

If you have several pine trees in your yard, you may decide to trim them so they grow in a uniform shape. Before you do, however, try not to do one of the following three things while trimming your trees. Do Not Trim Pine Trees In The Fall Although pine trees stay green all year, they do have growth cycles. In the fall, the growth of the trees starts slowing down for the winter months so they can conserve their resources during cold weather.

Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Tree Service Professional

Do you own one or more trees that need to be pruned this spring? Have you been thinking about handling the trimming on your own? While you could possibly take care of the trimming yourself, there are several reasons why you should consider leaving the task to a professional. Some of the reasons why you should consider hiring a local tree service instead of attempting to trim the tree on your own include:

Inspect Your Trees For These Problems Regularly

It's a good idea to get into the habit of inspecting the trees in your yard regularly. Just as you should keep an eye on various exterior elements of your home, taking a careful look at your trees will allow you to catch any issues early on. You'll then be able to call a tree service in your city and have one or more tree care professionals assess the issue. Catching things early may limit the risk of further problems with the tree or additional issues that extend beyond the tree.

Two Reasons Why Professional Tree Removal Is The Way To Go

Whether it's a tree that sways a bit too violently when the wind blows, or one that has branches that could fall at any moment, you know when it's time to remove a tree from your yard. The last thing you would want to do is wait until it's too late and some type of damage has occurred. However, while you might have been thinking about carving out some free time to take care of the issue yourself, it may prove to be a better decision to bring in an experienced expert.

Understanding Oak Wilt

Oak trees are especially prized for their lovely forms and their expansive, shade-giving branches. Yet to ensure that your oak trees remain happy and healthy for years to come, it is important that you arm yourself with information about one of their greatest threats: oak wilt. This debilitating disease can quickly decimate an oak tree if not treated in time. If you would like to learn more about stopping the spread of this disease, read on.